Saturday, October 1, 2016

How to Manage Review Blackmail

Whether engaging in a bit of harmless social media strong-arming or outright blackmail, it seems that more consumers these days are flexing their social media muscle to exact special treatment from businesses.

Social media has empowered consumers, and that’s a good thing. But what if the customer is making an unreasonable, unethical or just plain sleazy demand? 

Given the adverse effects negative reviews can have on a business, should employees allow themselves to be held hostage to such threats in order to preserve the peace and protect reputation?

Do we really want to reward such behavior? 
Everyone’s going to be a critic these days and face it, you’re never going to make everyone happy. 

The policy and law on feedback extortion is - " Buyers are not allowed to threaten sellers with negative Feedback,  in order to obtain goods or services for free after accepting the service or goods"
If customer is not satisfied with the goods or service, then do not accept the service, and return
the goods in same condition you received it in"

At A Class Limos  we go above and beyond to satisfy every client. But will not stand by Review Blackmail!

Thank you,

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