Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Summertime Concerts for All"

Its summer time and we all know what that means….

Best concerts are coming our way! This summer there will be concerts for everyone to enjoy from American Airlines, BB&T and of course, lawn seats at Cruzan.  Nothing better than friends and good music to make the perfect day! 
Unfortunately, there are 3 letters that could ruin that great feeling… DUI.  We all know someone, or have heard a horror story from a friend, of a friend.  Don’t let this happen to you, book a limo or party bus.  I get people telling me that a limo is too much; I then tell them it’s cheaper than a DUI, and they get it. Just think: court fees, license suspended, might lose your job if you can’t get to work… the list is non-ending.  So take a look: see what you like, and email me and I promise the rental will be cheaper than the alternative!


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