Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How can I be sure that my family, friends, or clients are with a safe driver?

Every driver by law in every county must have a special license. This license is called a Hack license. In order to obtain this license, a driver must apply in person, allow consumer affairs to do a criminal background check, and go through a training process required by the county.

After all of these requirements are met, then FTL-LIMO  does intensive background check and DOT certified drug and alchohol testing. Once they are hired, all our drivers are randomly tested by DOT certified company every 3 weeks to make sure all our drivers are 100% perfect for us. Also before they are hired by FTL-LIMO, they go out with our senior drivers to make sure they fully understand our quality of clients and will go back till our senior driver gives us a 5 star rating. FTL-LIMO must apply for Operational Permit called a For-Hire Limousine License, which is also a long and crucial process to obtain. Some of the requirements are training procedures in place for the drivers, criminal background check for the owners, yearly inspection of all vehicles, insurance requirements, and be up to date with all fees. This is critical to making sure that your time with www.FTL-LIMO.com is safe. All required permits are posted on the front windows of the limousine. Make sure that the dates are not expired. Yes we go through all this to make sure your experience with FTL-LIMo is secure, reliable and pleasant.


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